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DST Investment Opportunities

We employ an exhaustive approach to identifying, vetting and ultimately selecting what we believe are the best Delaware Statutory Trust properties available today. We work exclusively with a select group of premier sponsors who have the track record, experience and balance sheets to help give you the confidence that you are working with the premier providers in the business.

Register NOW to access our complete list of investment opportunities. We look forward to helping guide you through your successful exchange!

Register Now

Complete this registration form and we will follow up with you regarding our current offerings.

Are you an accredited Investor?

All DST offerings require the investor to be accredited.  This is a simple rule for individuals, $1,000,000 net worth excluding your personal residence.  But, being accredited does not automatically mean every investment is suitable for every investor.  In certain instances, regulations require that advisors have a pre-existing relationship with the investor prior to the advisor offering certain Private Placements, including many DST investments.  

To comply with the rules and make the most suitable recommendations that are in the best interest of the client, we require that we establish initial contact with a short conversation to review the size and timing of the exchange as well as the risk tolerance and potential liquidity needs of the investor.  

Please take the time to review the website and watch one or two short presentations.  If you would like to make an inquiry, please fill out the contact form and indicate the best time have a short call or schedule a call here:

Are you an accredited investor?

The Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) has quickly become the investment vehicle of choice for real estate owners who are intent on using a 1031 exchange to defer capital gains on the sale of appreciated investment property.

Not only does the DST structure help individuals accomplish that objective, but it also affords them fractional ownership opportunity in institutional grade investment real estate without the headaches of managing and maintaining a property.

We can help you find the right replacement property for your 1031 exchange, with equity investment levels from $100,000 to $100 million. Sole ownership structures are available in investment amounts exceeding $10 million.